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Radio buttons allow the user to select one option from a set.

Use radio buttons when the user needs to see all available options. If available options can be collapsed, consider using a dropdown menu because it uses less space.

Radio buttons should have the most commonly used option selected by default.


RadioGroup is a helpful wrapper used to group Radio components that provides an easier API, and proper keyboard accessibility to the group.


To lay out the buttons horizontally, set the row prop: <RadioGroup row />.

Standalone radio buttons

Radio can also be used standalone, without the RadioGroup wrapper.

Label placement

You can change the placement of the label with the FormControlLabel component's labelPlacement prop:


Show error

In general, radio buttons should have a value selected by default. If this is not the case, you can display an error if no value is selected when the form is submitted:

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Customized radios

Here is an example of customizing the component. You can learn more about this in the overrides documentation page.



For advanced customization use cases, a useRadioGroup() hook is exposed. It returns the context value of the parent radio group. The Radio component uses this hook internally.


import { useRadioGroup } from '@material-ui/core/RadioGroup';


value (Object):

  • (String [optional]): The name used to reference the value of the control.
  • value.onChange (Void [optional]): Callback fired when a radio button is selected.
  • value.value (Any [optional]): Value of the selected radio button.


<RadioGroup name="use-radio-group" defaultValue="first">
  <MyFormControlLabel value="first" label="First" control={<Radio />} />
  <MyFormControlLabel value="second" label="Second" control={<Radio />} />

When to use



  • All form controls should have labels, and this includes radio buttons, checkboxes, and switches. In most cases, this is done by using the <label> element (FormControlLabel).
  • When a label can't be used, it's necessary to add an attribute directly to the input component. In this case, you can apply the additional attribute (e.g. aria-label, aria-labelledby, title) via the inputProps property.
    'aria-label': 'Radio A',